I was tagged by Lili from Lili's Reflections. As you all know, I looooove surveys and tags!
I am going to post a few links for anyone who is interested:
This is the link to the original tweet from Hale that sought ideas for her next book from readers:
Google cache
You'll note that the sum of the content from Harris to Hale was two words: sleep paralysis. From those two words, Hale found Harris's review on GR. The link to that review is:
You'll note from reading that review, should you decide to do so, that Harris really didn't like the book. However, her status updates are firmly focused on the book, which contains objectionable content as far as she was concerned. She doesn't insult the author personally and doesn't take her focus off the book. She is pleasant to the people commenting who enjoyed the book, and at one point, even says that she is glad that the book worked for them, but it didn't for her.
From that, apparently, Hale became obsessed with Harris and began following her all over the internet. Again - so far the only document content from Harris to Hale was the two words "sleep paralysis."
The next thing that Hale talks about in her Guardian article is that she sub-tweets something in response to a three-star review that gets the bloggers upset with her. She associates that with Harris. However, the documentation from twitter shows that her upset was actually in response to a blog review by a blogger name Kara, who blogs for Great Imaginations. You can find that blog here:
In response to that review, Hale became upset. When Kara tweeted about her manuscript in progress, the following tweets occurred:
Notice that Blythe Harris had absolutely nothing to do with that exchange. It involved Bibliodaze. The fact that Hale mentions it in her article as though it is related to Blythe Harris at all demonstrates, first, how freaking far 'round the bend she has gone related to Blythe Harris and second, how little actual fact-checking she did - even of stuff that directly involved her - she did for her "article."
She is now referring to her stalking as "journalism" which is so desperately laughable that it is offensive. I can only hope that some "real" journalists take issue with the idea that their jobs involve tracking down the people who have made them mad through subterfuge and lies, and then going to their houses to confront them.
I don't know about you guys, but I had a great September. I am so ready for autumn to finally be here. Even though it's FREEZING over night now - that just means Gummy wants to cuddle more, so I see it as a plus.
Awesome Things That Happened This Month
1. My husband got a promotion! He works in a factory-type setting that runs 24 hours a day, and four crews of men split twelve hour shifts. And now? He's in charge of his own crew. He's worked really hard for his new position and I am so happy and so proud of him.
2. We bought a new car! I don't drive, and Mike's had his license suspended for six months. Basically, we're DONE not having transportation so the day his license was given back, we went to the dealership and came home with a bright red Jeep!
Books Read
Horrorstor by Grady Hendrix - 3 Stars
Tenderness by Robert Cormier - 2 Stars
Gravitation Volumes 4, 5, 6 by Maki Murakami - 3.5 Stars
The Fine Art of Pretending by Rachel Harris - 2.5-3 Stars
Dark Triumph by Robin LaFevers - 4.5 Stars
So, not the best reading month. I barely read anything and only really enjoyed one book, which was a reread. I do like the Gravitation series, but those aren't kick-in-the-feels or blow-me-away books.
Book Reviews
Glory O'Brien's History of the Future by AS King - 5 Stars
Horrorstor by Grady Hendrix - 3 Stars
Famous in Love by Rebecca Serle - 3 Stars
Tenderness by Robert Cormier - 2 Stars
The Fine Art of Pretending by Rachel Harris - 2.5-3 Stars
Other Posts
Top Ten Tuesdays:
Another round of Bookish Bingo is upon us! Click here to join in on the fun!
Oy. This book was just... ugh. This is one of those cases with classics (or modern classics) (or any books) where I appreciate what the author was trying to do, but I just did. not. like it. The male main character was hard to read about as he recalled all the animals he killed in his youth. The female character was easier to stomach. But ultimately, this book had no point. It was over before any real meaning could be taken from it.
Such a disappointment.
I feel like August absolutely FLEW by! And good thing because I am so over summer, flying stinging insects, this heat, and not having a car. Mike gets his license back this month and we're buying a new car and basically hallelujah. Also: bring on autumn. I've already lit my first pumpkin scented candle and I'm already craving pumpkin spice everything (especially milkshakes from Wawa.)
I read 14 books in August, 10 of which I read in one week during Bout of Books. I've been very lax on getting my ARCs read. Honestly, I feel so much better this way. I've been reading what I want, when I want, and I'm a very happy reader because of it. I've had the chance to reread a lot of old favorites recently, too. Basically, yay for reading for me again!
In which I am too lazy to make a real collage and just take a screen shot of GR.
Grave Mercy (His Fair Assassin #1) by Robin LaFevers - 5 Stars
Glory O'Brien's History of the Future by AS King - 5 Stars
Black Helicopters by Blythe Woolston - 4 Stars
Annie & Fia (Mind Games #.5) by Kiersten White - 3.5 Stars
The Walls Around Us by Nova Ren Suma - 5 Stars
The Merciless by Danielle Vega - 3 Stars
Bleed Like Me by C Desir - 1 Star
Gravitation Vols 2 & 3 by Maki Murakami - 3.5-4 Stars
Poisoned Apples: Poems for You, My Pretty by Christine Heppermann - 5 Stars
JTHM the Director's Cut by Jhonen Vasquez - 5 Stars
Belzhar by Meg Wolitzer - 1.5 Stars
Isla and the Happily Ever After by Stephanie Perkins - 4.5 Stars
Rain, Reign by Ann M Martin - 4 Stars
Links take you to reviews on my blog
Book of the Month:
The Walls Around Us obviously. I feel so incredibly lucky to have been able to read this early. Nova Ren Suma is like my writing idol. I might have jumped up and done a little dance when I got her newest release. I had to read it right away even though it doesn't come out for 7 months. It was amazing, just as I expected.
What I Watched:
Orange is the New Black
Criminal Minds (just started)
A shitton of Law & Order SVU
The Pirates of the Caribbean movies over and over and over again.
Looking Ahead:
I'm excited to reread Dark Triumph and then finish the series with Mortal Heart. His Fair Assassin is one of my favorite series so I'm both sad and happy to be reading the final book this month.
I'll also be rereading the Throne of Glass series starting with The Assassin's Blade even though I just read Heir of Fire in June. Sue me.
I'll also be continuing on in my reread of the manga series Gravitation.
All in all - lots of "me" reading.
Absolutely amazing. Reminded me exactly why I love this author's work, and why I love magical realism in particular. Lots of elements swirling together in this one, least of all the past/future visions Glory is seeing. Depression and suicide, family and friendship, self ownership and actualization all play a key role in Glory's journey. I can't wait to reread this one.
So I'm a dummy and didn't keep track of what I was reading each day. I DID keep track of my overall reading, so at least there's that.
Books Read:
So, mostly graphic novels and very short novels. Also one book of poetry, and a novella. I think keeping that variety was what made the read-a-thon successful. All together: 11 titles read, 10 books finished, 2085 pages read.
I'm calling it a win!
What a surprising little book. Leaves a lot for the reader to decide and interpret. It's shortness could leave something to be desired for some, but I felt it actually added to the bleak atmosphere. Every word had to count.
Taut, fascinating, and intense. About a teenage suicide bomber, and what could very possibly be a reality for some of us, set right in our own backyards.
I found this survey at (Un)Conventional Book Reviews and if you know me you know I luuuuuuuurve surveys.
1. Best book you’ve read so far in 2014.
This is tough, but I'll go with The Half Life of Molly Pierce by Katrina Leno. It's about a girl with dissociative identity disorder. The way the mental illness was handled in this book.. there are just no words to describe the way this book hit me. This book has changed my life.
2. Best sequel you've read so far in 2014.
Heir of Fire by Sarah J Maas. Hands down.
3. New release you haven’t read yet, but want to.
Broken Hearts, Fences, and Other Things to Mend by Katie Finn. Eternally regretting not requesting an ARC of this!
4. Most anticipated release for the second half of the year.
Of the books that I don't have: They All Fall Down by Roxanne St Claire
ARCs I have: Mortal Heart by Robin LaFevers
5. Biggest disappointment.
The Summer I Wasn't Me by Jessica Verdi. I expected a book that would challenge me and confront me with views I've never exposed myself to. What I got was.. not that. Rampant child and sexual abuse, boring characters, unrealistic legal situations, and romance trumping everything else.
6. Biggest surprise.
Jellicoe Road by Melina Marchetta. I tried to read this years ago and it didn't work at all. But then we read it again this year for a Forgotten Fridays post and it killed me. All-time favorite, right there.
7. Favorite new author. (Debut or new to you)
Megan Abbott. Absolutely LOVED Dare Me. The Fever, however, was a let down. But I know her writing is beautiful and amazing and I can't wait to read more from her.
8. Newest fictional crush.
Dimitri Belikov. I've had the absolute pleasure of reading the first two installments in the Vampire Academy series, and Dimitri is MINE.
9. Newest favorite character.
Vee from The Walls Around Us by Nova Ren Suma. Not quite the nicest person in the world, but fascinating. Loved reading about her.
10. Book that made you cry.
The Vanishing Season by Jodi Lynn Anderson. HOLY PAIN.
11. Book that made you happy.
Isla and the Happily Ever After by Stephanie Perkins. OBVIOUSLY. This book just filled me with a bubbly joy and I could not stop smiling after reading. These books have completely taken me by surprise.
12. Favorite book to film adaptation you saw this year.
I haven't seen that many this year. And it may not be my favorite, but I was most pleasantly surprised by Divergent.
13. Favorite review you’ve written this year.
Hahahaha. Hahaha. Ha. I hate my reviews. I write them, schedule them, and never look at them again.
14. Most beautiful book you’ve bought so far this year (or received)
Oh everything about this book's design, not just the cover. The spine. The book itself under the dust jacket. The chapter headings. THE MAPS. Oh god, I have to go look at it again.
15. What books do you need to read by the end of the year?
Obviously as many ARCs as possible, since I DID request them and everything. Other than that? Mortal Heart (which I understand fits into the first category but there you go.) The rest of the Vampire Academy books. I want to reread Blood and Chocolate and all the Harry Potter books. Oh and I want to read Between the Spark and the Burn too. I guess I should probably go do that...
I'm back! I wish I never deleted my account here. Anyway, I got tired of tumblr and how impersonal it is (especially since I know all you guys and know no one over there.) I won't be posting full reviews, and I won't be importing old data from Goodreads. This will be a 100% fresh start on my reading progress, etc. Also: Read-a-thon updates, bookish surveys, months in review. Things like that.